The great new game! The way to step away from nosy always limiting you for no good reason PayPal, and having eBay handle all your payments. All credit cards accepted. Currently for the U.S. only.
Read MoreWe already know that eBay and PayPal separated in 2014 eBay has already also declared that they will no longer be allowing PayPal on its site as its official payment processor The new choice is a Dutch company, Adyen Let’s hope that Adyen is a better processor for sellers than PayPal has […]
Read MoreEven though eBay isn’t always in the right, they seem to have a software robot that scours domain registrations for any that include the word ebay. Register a domain with the name ebay in it, and you may receive an email from [email protected] that looks like this: We are writing concerning your registration of which contains […]
Read MorePeriodically PayPal updates its user agreement. The one took effect June 25, 2016. There are just a few changes of note: REVISED SECTION 11.5 We’re making a clarifying change to Section 11.5 and adding a new item that will be excluded from PayPal Seller Protection. The new item that will not be eligible for Seller […]
Read MoreIf you are seller at Amazon, and a buyer initiates a chargeback against you, you must try to make that seller happy, because Amazon will usually side with the buyer on chargebacks. However, if the basis of the chargeback is an unauthorized transaction (fraud), Amazon will cover you. Amazon screens all purchases for fraud and […]
Read MoreMany people who are happily selling products receive Cease and Desist letters from outfits like Johnson & Pham. When this happens, instead of giving in and just paying these bloodsuckers, contact Modee at Modeeworld, he will advise you on what to do to avoid paying them anything. Not one client of Modee’s has ever ended […]
Read MoreThese are the basics: TO CREATE A BRAND NEW UNTRACEABLE EBAY + PAYPAL ACCOUNT Be sure follow these Steps to avoid being linked back to an old EBAY account of yours: 1. ALL New email address 2. New name (different name) 3. New address (not used before with Ebay) 4. New telephone number (check for various VOIP sources) […]
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